Thursday, December 1, 2016

COMIC - Bank

Hello! I'm proud to announce my first published comic art since 2010! Wow! While I've done a lot of work since then, I kind of strayed away from comics for a bit. After making a few big life changes, I remembered my favorite thing about art was telling stories. I decided to start drawing sequential art again. After being rejected about 10 times a week, I finally started working on several different series and stories with different creative teams. One writer who gave me a chance was Jed McPherson, who was creating a web anthology of short stories. I drew 8 pages, which you can read for FREE here. Below, I put a little insight into my process showing one of the pages from the short story, Bank. More published projects and announcements to come, but enjoy my first sequential work to see the light of day since 2010. :)

Wednesday, November 16, 2016


Color this page and send to as a tryout. Simple :). Send your rates too!

Saturday, August 13, 2016

Tribute to Kenny Baker - R2D2

Little Tribute to Kenny Baker, the man who mesmerized my child and adult self by bringing to life one of the greatest and most unsung heroes in cinema, R2D2. May the Force be with you, Kenny. RIP

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Fan Art - Stranger Things (Eleven)

Recently finished Stranger Things on Netflix. AMAZING. Had to do some fan art of Eleven. Both her badass side and her adorable side. 

Sketches - Instagram

Here's an assortment of Daily Sketches from my Instagram. That's where I post WIPs, sketches, and anything else I do in between big projects, so give me a Follow there and we can be Insta-Friends :). 

Friday, April 8, 2016

Covers - Werewolves

Here's a series of illustrations I did as covers for a series of werewolf books by Jamie Evans. Werewolves are easily a top favorite in terms of subject matter, so I had a lot of fun drawing them.

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Cover Sample - Spider-Man

Colored up my Spider-Man drawing and added the logo just for fun. This is by no means official Marvel art (I wish), but I thought it would be important for my portfolio to show something that looks like a final cover. Hope you enjoy :)

Friday, March 25, 2016

Illusration - Circus Poster

Here's an illustration I did for a comic book I'm working on. Heavily Alfons Mucha inspired. Stay tuned for more art from this series :).

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Covers - Jamie Evans Books

Here's a series of covers I did for writer Jamie Evans. I went more "stylistic" or "comic book" than my usual more photo-real illustration style. I personally like the look and simpler color palettes.

Sketch Dump - Instagram

Follow me on Instagram for Daily sketchbook sketches and behind the scenes work.