Thursday, June 6, 2013

Kickstarter - Hell Paso

In 2010 I got my first opportunity at my first paid comic gig. It was on a mini-series called Hell Paso. I did pencils and inks for issue 5 and did inks and some color assistance on issue 6. You can find the series here.

Well I'm proud to say that 3 years later, writer Jaime Portillo of JimmyDaze Comics, launched a Kickstarter to have a special edition Trade Paperback print of Hell Paso made. Meaning all 6 issues in one big book, plus special features and bonus material. His Kickstarter was successful, and even though I'm not earning royalties of any sort off of this series, it's important to me being the project that started my career. So congrats to Jaime Portillo! Awesome!

Check out some of my old 2010 Hell Paso art HERE

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