Monday, December 23, 2013

Illustration - The Savior

Slight update of my character's design. Still working away at the artbook for this as well as a comic book series. Pretty excited. Stay tuned.

Sketches - Random

Just a sketchdump of drawings, messing around with style and lighting.

Sketches - Original Characters

A few stylized sketches of my main characters. How they'd look in a comic. 


Thursday, June 6, 2013

Fanart - Robot Unicorn Attack

I don't play a lot of mobile games, but since I've gotten an iPad and have been traveling a lot, there are a few that I really like. Angry Birds, Temple Run, and Robot Unicorn Attack. Mainly because they're simple and I can get into it really quick for a few minutes, then stop.

Robot Unicorn Attack is pure genius. The title is so ridiculous and the entire concept is so silly, that you just HAVE to see what it is. And then once you play it, it's very addicting and fun. Honestly, the art is beautiful. In a weird way. The music is also awesome and weird at the same time. But it somehow fits. Adult Swim Games created something awesome with this game. It's just a simple game with 2 buttons that makes you wish you had thought of that.

So I decided to paint a tribute to the game. I might do an Angry Birds and Temple Run piece as well to go along with it. Hope you enjoy. If you don't know where to find the game, click HERE and play it :).

-Chris Shehan

Kickstarter - Hell Paso

In 2010 I got my first opportunity at my first paid comic gig. It was on a mini-series called Hell Paso. I did pencils and inks for issue 5 and did inks and some color assistance on issue 6. You can find the series here.

Well I'm proud to say that 3 years later, writer Jaime Portillo of JimmyDaze Comics, launched a Kickstarter to have a special edition Trade Paperback print of Hell Paso made. Meaning all 6 issues in one big book, plus special features and bonus material. His Kickstarter was successful, and even though I'm not earning royalties of any sort off of this series, it's important to me being the project that started my career. So congrats to Jaime Portillo! Awesome!

Check out some of my old 2010 Hell Paso art HERE

Monday, April 29, 2013

Album Cover - Teal by Dulcet

 I got the honor to illustrate an album cover for my buddy's first electronic album titled "Teal". 

The cover is inspired by Track 7, Land of the Boulder Giants. 

It's available on iTunes here Check it!

Friday, April 26, 2013

Collab - Magneto

I actually started this in 2012, but didn't get around to finishing it until recently. I don't normally collab with other artists, but this was a fun one. Pencils by Rudy Vasquez. I painted over his lines, not traditional comic style. But as a painter I prefer this :).

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Fanart - Lara Croft, Black Cat, Ghost Rider

Some recent fanart. Lara Croft for the upcoming Tomb Raider remake video game. Black Cat portrait, referenced cosplay model Gabriella Tacchi. And Ghost Rider, cuz I've never painted him before :). Enjoy!

Studies - 2/26/13 - 3/17/13

 Some recent studies. Some from life, some from pictures. :)

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Art Dump

I haven't posted here in a while, but I've still been drawing. So I'm just going to dump some of my recent paintings into this post and I'll try to be more regular with posting after this. I've been busy :). I hope you enjoy!